Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I've been so many places in my life and time...

Here is a song for you...For Allegra, Andy, Stephanie, Sue and so many others who have asked...I'm fine. Don't know why I quit blogging, just did. But I'm fine...having lots of adventures... I've seen my beloved Leon twice in the course of 2 weeks! There have been trips in planes, trains and automobiles, tea parties and birthday parties. Memorials and celebrations, letting go and grabbing hold of friendships...been to the Roller Derby, saw a Neon Boneyard, hiked up to the mountain top, been to a desert very different than the one I claim as home. It's a fine life and it's my life and I'm sorry I have been remiss in sharing with you. I appreciate your concerns and checking up on me. Truly, I'm fine and did I mention that I've seen Leon twice since I've been here? Standing in front of that tour bus...I was 19 again...he is still the sexiest man alive...after 40 years and seeing tons of his concerts...I remain devoted. So see, I'm better than fine! Oh and I turned another year older and deeper in debt...wait, that's a whole other song!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Grace in small things...01-05-2011

It's been a really sucky day so it seemed important to find these:
A small fingernail sliver of a moon shining outside my window
Amazing shadows everywhere I looked this morning
Knowing that a life well lived, in a small and simple way, will always be celebrated by those that love her
There is comfort in routine and pleasure in breaking those routines
Knowing I am loved makes sucky days less miserable

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Grace in small things...01-04-2011 as the year begins...

click on the pictures to see them in more detail...
in a freak snow storm today,
we had blue skies and snow flakes...
I am grateful I got to see it!

we all raced around trying to capture the magic of this weird snow...
that was melting as it fell, I am grateful for co-workers who get it

the sun came out and the snowflakes danced in front of it...for a little while...
I am grateful for the warmth!

The day started out really cold...
in fact it's been really cold for days now and believe it or not...
I am grateful for socks

and most of all this week, I am grateful I came across Brene Brown and this remarkable video...
I'd seen the link a few times before but now is when I needed it so this is when it came to me and I am thinking that my word for 2011 just might have to be...