Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Grace in small things...01-05-2011

It's been a really sucky day so it seemed important to find these:
A small fingernail sliver of a moon shining outside my window
Amazing shadows everywhere I looked this morning
Knowing that a life well lived, in a small and simple way, will always be celebrated by those that love her
There is comfort in routine and pleasure in breaking those routines
Knowing I am loved makes sucky days less miserable

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Grace in small things...01-04-2011 as the year begins...

click on the pictures to see them in more detail...
in a freak snow storm today,
we had blue skies and snow flakes...
I am grateful I got to see it!

we all raced around trying to capture the magic of this weird snow...
that was melting as it fell, I am grateful for co-workers who get it

the sun came out and the snowflakes danced in front of it...for a little while...
I am grateful for the warmth!

The day started out really cold...
in fact it's been really cold for days now and believe it or not...
I am grateful for socks

and most of all this week, I am grateful I came across Brene Brown and this remarkable video...
I'd seen the link a few times before but now is when I needed it so this is when it came to me and I am thinking that my word for 2011 just might have to be...