Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Altered Pogo prints and...

This is a triple exposure...I've been playing and playing and keep meaning to share so here goes...I just kept running this one other techniques..of course the flash is from my crappy photography the kitchen...under the light on the stove!
This is the transfer...I left it in the water too long (30 minutes) and lost the yellow layer time I'm gonna pull it out at about 20 minutes and see what I can use.
This is "just" a double exposure and while I think it is really cool...I'm more partial to the triple and more school of exposures!
I printed the photo onto a receipt from was light blue and I think that is why the image is so light...the blue on the side is from hitting it with a heat gun for a couple of seconds...isn't it interesting that it is the cyan that comes through so turns dark purple first and then when it's just the blue. hum...
Okay, every time I try to turn this the other disappears so pretend you can tell it is the virgin in the tree photo...I sanded the paper in one direction a couple of times and then printed. The magenta really comes through.
And... then here is the moon this morning...what? ya thought I could go a day without a moon photo? really? have you met me?


elaine said...

these are just awesome Leau...

Parabolic Muse said...

Wow! How bizarre and stare-worthy!! Don't you love playing?

No. Don't stop mooning.