Sunday, September 23, 2007

Incredible generosity

This is at the beach at LaJolla, California. It reminds me that life is like this, while you are seeing beauty around you and can see the greater beauty waiting for you, you might have to pass through some tight places to get to the next part. You can't loose track of where you are and what is in store for you, even in the tight places.

This is the link to Tara Bradford's blog: She is a very gifted writer who brings to light political points, showcases artists' work and shares her amazing poetry. However, today and for the last few days, I have been given the opportunity to be a guest writer on her blog. My ramblings about my state fair experience/nightmare/life lesson have graciously been posted to encourage me to start blogging. I have known incredible generosity in my life and she is right up there. Thanks Tara.

Isn't this whole blog community amazing? Not only has it expanded my circle of friends, it has changed the way I look at the everyday in my life and helped me understand everyone's everyday is very different and very wonderful. The conversations and comments are virtual presents for my soul. So I thank you for your incredible generosity and for encouraging me, those near and far, you know who you are...

I only hope I am not boring! That is my greatest fear, especially after my state fair experience/nightmare/life lesson. Everyday life isn't nearly as entertaining. And I am grateful for that, I don't think I could stand the state fair experience/nightmare/life lesson every day!

I found this quote on another generous soul's blog: "once we believe in ourself, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any other experience that reveals the human spirit." e.e. cummings

Here's to risking...with the incredible generosity of friends!!
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Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

okay i am beginning to get it now...tara's gone and you're writing on her blog...DUH...i have an excuse for the confusion i was in philly all you had the bad fair sorry...i have heard this before...fairs adn festivals are not good places for artists...welcome to blogging...i love rocks too...happy fall...blessings, rebecca

Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

sorry i forgot that la jolla is a fav haunt of mine...blessings, rebecca

Gill said...

Hi Leau, I am here via Tara's blog!
Yes, she is wonderful. Gifted in the writing department as well, I have learned, and continue to learn from her.
She posted your artwork as well, it is wonderful! I have only read this one post, but I intend to go back and read more. Not sure if you posted your work, but you should consider it!
Welcome to the wonderful, wide, and time consuming world of blogging!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Can I say Amen to that? Oh, yes! Amen! I am so thrilled to be connected in ways I never thought I could be. In fact, I was reflecting on that very thought today in yoga class. Thinking about posting it on my next post if I don't forget!

Anonymous said...

I so enjoyed reading about your state fair experiences on Paris Parfait! You are a gifted writer! And funny! (I LOVE funny.) And now I can come here and read your own blog....perfect!

I know first hand of Tara Bradford's generosity. She is one amazing woman. She graciously opened her home to my husband and I this summer and had us to her apartment for lunch. It was a wonderful way to cap our 6 weeks in France.

Again, thank you for sharing your stories. Much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Hi Leau - just came from Tara's blog, and it's so nice to meet you. Your accounts of your state fair experiences were entertaining, though probably pretty exhausting to live through.

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Looking forward to more of your posts.

plasticpumpkin said...

Leau, I love rocks, too. And you are, by far, one of the LEAST boring people I know. :-)

hee hee.

Regina said...

Leau, don't know if I've mentioned it, but I've found that blogging becomes a happy compulsion. After a while it takes on a life of its own and is so much a part of you that it almost doesn't matter if anyone reads it! (But it's nice when they do.)

Unknown said...

Hi Leau, another fan of Tara's, I truly enjoyed your pieces on Paris parfait! I was a little behind because I just survived my first open house/art sale. People are a little more polite in your own home, but you could see in their faces...

I look forward to keeping up with your adventures as I begin a few of my own.

Jeanne Rhea said...

I came here from reading your posts about the state fair on Paris Parfait. I had already made a post about your experiences with a link to Paris Parfait on my blog, but when I saw you had a blog, I went back and added a link here.

You are a great writer and I look forward to reading more and seeing your work.