One of the few traditions left of our Christmas past is to go out late on Christmas Eve to see the lumanarias. Generally it's after the crowds and really quiet and peaceful. We go to our favorite places and then some new ones and always end up at a cemetery or 2. Yes, decorating graves with lumanarias is a big deal here, and Christmas trees, toys, lights, poinsettias and anything else you can think of to bring holiday cheer to the dead.
Every year, while my son waits (sometimes not) so patiently in the truck, I run around trying to get even one picture of the beauty and magic of the lights. This year as we were leaving the cemetery, I made one last attempt to capture the light and look what I got! Some loving soul had place a lumanaria on the Virgin's head, like a crown. I really, really like this image so you will probably all get tired of seeing it, but wowsers, it's good...for me and my little point and click camera!
I also experienced the generation gap with my son last night. His favorite was the house that is programed to a radio station and the lights change with the music. Quite the high tech wonder. Blinking light overload for me, bliss for him. Give me a paper bag , sand and a flickering candle any day.
Happy left overs day. And I am still on that light kick as well, so look for the light somewhere today and enjoy it.