Yep that's me, as proclaimed by one of the other vendors at the UNM show. She immediately realized what she had said and tried to remove the old from the title but it was out there in the universe to stay. And I really didn't mind, sorta, well maybe just a little. Okay I grabbed her by the throat and made her take it back. But really, the rest of the title is pretty amazing coming from a college student. She was impressed that I had the only other combo skulls/virgins there. Not on the same art, but in the same booth.
It was really great fun to be back on campus, among the cleaver and talented. Selling things! It wasn't the best show but so much better than the state fair.
So here is what I scored at the show (by that I mean traded!!) a bowl of melted toy soldiers, a magnificently beaded pin with a plastic dragonfly on it, an Airstream ornament and truck made of aluminum cans (the tail gate says Classic!), a Jesus nightlight and 3 Einstein candles made special for me! From my young friend who thought I was soooo cool, skull earrings and a necklace with a Zia charm. There was such a variety and even some pet clothes, but they were hand made. My new friend said her daughter says that canine couture hurts dogs feelings because it tells them they aren't good enough as they are! My friend Laurence was there with his beautiful drawings and masks. Everything was really and truly hand made.
But boys and girls the biggest shock of all was Angry Hot Glass lady from the state fair!(if you don't know about the adventures of Angry Hot Glass Lady, see all my state fair posts over on Tara's blog in the September archives) Yes, just one booth over was our old angry friend. We heard various and sundry tales about her from others who had encountered her but the shocker of the century was that she runs a DAYCARE from her home!!!! Yikes! How can that be? Don't they check for things like uncontrolled anger and outbursts of Tai Chi (this time to the music at the show) or all around nastiness? Is she better with children? Double Yikes!! Another lovely lady came into our booth and started talking about how angry that woman was and proceeded to tell me all of the mean things she had done to a whole other context. Scary stuff, she talks to children, everyday. Does she teach them Tai Chi? Does she call them the things she calls people who don't buy from her? Keeps me up nights I tell you. But the show was fun and the college kids gave me great hope for the future.
Next, it's on to the 1st and 3rd Fridays at the Factory! Really like selling in places where people come expecting art. Like it even better when they find and but them some art. Come see, great stuff, good people, Factory on the Fifth, between Aspen and Haines in Albuquerque 6-11. Be there or be square...
Hi Leau! See you at the Factory on Friday!
I WISH I could be there! I want more pictures....of your work, please!
It's been a while, glad to see your doing well. Maybe I'll get a chance to stop by and say hi, if not I'll see U next year!
Old woman?! My foot.
Hey, remember that people have asked if we were sisters. :-)
Hey! Nice photo! I hadn't realized that you posted something last week! I guess I haven't been checking everything regularly. Loved the photo (did I already say that?). It is cool coming from a very cool lady!
My comment just vanished into cyberspace. That is bizarre that Angry Hot Glass Lady was there, just one booth over. And even stranger that she works with children! Glad you had fun and got some cool souvenirs and a compliment (of sorts). :) xoxox
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