The most gorgeous purple every where I go
The Man Ray exhibit - very interesting but not what I expected..lots of work by his students as well as the African Art used in his work
Butterflies and robins every day's really spring!
Riding with the King...B.B. and Eric...yum
Less crow, more song birds
No more diesel tow truck in the middle of the night...the repo man moved!!! yippee skippee
The most amazing scallop and polenta dish..with crispy cheese and a jabanero corn salsa
Blue Bell Ice Cream!!!! The best ever and only available in limited area, fell in love with it in college in TX and haven't had it since, (unless I was in TX) but my lovelies, it's here now...too bad I can't really enjoy ice cream like I use to
Yummy Cajun food from a new restaurant in town...2 blocks from where I work...we went 3 times in the first week it was open, tastes "right" ya know?
An organic tomato from Mexico that was so good and tasty, I expected to hear my daddy's voice.
The softest shawl with beautiful swirly colors...from Target!
Pan pastels, I love how soft they are and how easily they blend
Cotton shirts and bare feet outside
Finally, the lilacs!! Every where and so fragrant now that the wind has subsided a bit
RAIN!! and a foggy morning with that smell you know means moisture
Wisteria has a fragrance all it's own and it is soooo intoxicating. As I was taking some of the pictures I felt kinda like Wimpy after hamburgers...I would follow it anywhere. We are calling it hysteria this year instead of wisteria...
Very excited that I have found ways to manipulate pictures from my shiny pink PoGo printer!! I KNOW!! How cool is that! Double exposures, altered with sanding, fire and acetone! Thanks to Traci Bunkers for the idea and the link!
Grateful for a break from the wind.
Disappointed in the Dia de los Muertos show was so junky! Nothing even remotely like the one last year that had tons of different kinds of things and real quality. I only purchased a couple of pairs of Milagros earrings and could hardly wait to get out of the building!