Monday, October 8, 2007

At long!

Or big pile o' bones, you decide. I am not and have never been a seamstress, but I remember my sister talking about those Very Easy, Very Vogue patterns that seemed like they had 112 main pattern pieces and instructions in Latin, making that name a total joke. I thought about that several times this last couple of weeks while I was working on some danglies for a trade. I thought it would be so simple to put together what I had in my head. Joke's on me!
I saw a stamp of a skeleton with wings, kinda like Nick Bantock's cover for Griffin and Sabine and since I couldn't actually purchase the stamp, I decided to make my danglies based on that image I had in my head. I found skeletons in mass at the local super size craft super store - hey, I had a gift certificate - and some cheap wings and just kept adding to them. You know that "I'll just add one more thing, do one more step or glue something else to them" and so they became the most completely overdone danglies I've ever done. But the good news is that I like them, they are finally done, sent off to be disbursed to others, and I can't wait to see what I get back.


Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Where'd ya get those skeletons?? Anyway, I love how the dangly came out and the story that went with it!

Regina said...

That's AWESOME! I love how you arranged the skeletons. Way to go, Leather Lips!