Thursday, February 26, 2009

Great Bus Story

Sorry, no picture, just a great story. Tonight on the bus, after a particularly uncomfortable situation that was resolved peacefully, we had a few minutes to spare before the bus left the stop and so the driver was passing the time chatting with us. He started to sneeze and the conversation turned to allergies that everyone seems to be suffering from right now. I said that it was the Junipers. The young man next to me said: "You're allergic to a planet?" and when I stopped laughing I explained that I was talking about a tree not Jupiter but doesn't it make a better story to say I am allergic to a planet?


Anonymous said...

Yes, astronomers recently discovered Junipers is actually a twin planet.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

That is so funny!

Umā said...

i think i'm allergic to saturn, personally!

Chris said...

That's funny! I would have laffed and laffed as I casually got up and changed seats!

He does know that juniper is a species of bush, yes? And that there are berries on it? And that the juniper berry flavors gin? And that if a person doesn't appreciate or understand gin, then I can't sit next to him?

tell him that for me, would you? And if he says, Chris who? it's just more of his nastiness.

Chris said...
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moongipsies said...

that's so cool.

christina said...

Heee, had to giggle. So cute.

Anonymous said...

that is so funny! and Chris, that girl is hysterical...


Chris said...

Whatcha doin?