This is Dave and Felix, 2 of my favorite musicians playing a happy song. And you get a random listing of wonderfulness on my second day of the best change I've made in a while!
I was introduced to everyone who came by (as opposed to not being introduced to anyone for fear that if I knew anyone's name, I would chat with them)
A wonderful window to look out onto a wonderful courtyard that makes a wonderful peaceful place to eat lunch with lots of birds for company
Lovely people to work with who ask me to do something and then let me do it without checking every 5 minutes
Being asked what I thought would be the best way to do things
Feeling like I am part of a team
Working with people with a sense of humor!
Watching and listening to the President that I am so proud of making a wonderful speech, maintain his sense of humor, giving credit when credit is due and not making up words or smirking!What a class act he is. Smooches to Barry H!
And so my lovelies, I hope your day was as wonderful as mine was today.
he is so inspiring
oh happy day indeed
hoping you are
having a happy day
that continues
you have been missed
xox - eb.
Congratulations !
At long last:
Exhale ... .
My own personal acid test: did anyone either (a) invite you to have lunch (b) offer to show you where the best places to buy/eat lunch are (c) tell you where the best places to buy/eat lunch are (d) inquire about your lunch plans or your usual lunch habits?
If the answer is yes to at least one of these, it's a good sign. If the answer is no ... I'd usually say find another assignment. But everything else about this place sounds so good, perhaps there's a logical explanation (like maybe it was pizza day ... or you were SO excited, you brought in lunch for everybody ... or the place is filled with anorexics with lunchophobia ... or everyone loves the job so much they routinely work through lunch ... or they know you by reputation, and were so delighted you were coming to work there that they all cooked their favorite food and brought it in to surprise you on your first day ... or maybe your svelte, almost nymph-like figure led them to believe you are aethereal, otherwordly being with no need for daily sustenance or other such mundane stuff).
Happy Day indeed! And yes, yes and yes about our gorgeous Barry H! didn't Michelle look just gorgeous too?. No need for jewelry - this coming from me, the jewelry designer - they are both glamourous, intelligent, nice. We were way overdue to have a president who would speak in full sentences.
I am so happy for you that I just could offer cookies in the street to strangers, instead I send you tons of good wishes, may all the days at this job be a continuous improvement of this day.
Hugs from here,
oh heart swells...just cannot be happier with our new pres
I'm hearing the band here with some African drumming thown in...
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