Thursday, November 6, 2008

And now back to our regularly scheduled....

Finally some color around here!! This was last week on my way home from the library. Why was I at the library you ask? Well, did I tell you I have been falling out of love with New Mexico lately?

No? Well for the first time in 27 years, I wanted to be somewhere else in the fall, I craved the colors of Vermont or the smell of the ocean. I was even being lured by New York City! I was homesick for somewhere I hadn't been before. I longed for the south and ate pimento cheese on everything. I applied for a job in North Carolina and tried to imagine a fall there. I left my beloved New Mexico for Colorado in October, something unheard of in the past. And lusted after the beauty and color of my home state. It's not that the whole state had disappointed me, just where I live. I went to Magdalena and enjoyed the mountains and the rains. I went to the North Valley and saw old wonderful houses with character. But where I am? Dull, boring, dry and hot. Yes, hot! Not that I am itching to get into socks, but I wanted it to be a little cool in October. How else can you appreciate the smell of chilies roasting or see the trees turn? So, what was I to do? Well, thought I, do something and do it quick 'cause this ain't any fun. Think, think, think as Pooh would say and this is what I came up with...I rented The Milagro Bean Field Wars and started watching it on a kind of loop. I went to the library and checked out Death Comes for the Archbishop and hunted up my copy of If Mountains Die, I started writing down everything that brought me to New Mexico and still, I was flirting with other places, feeling a little disloyal to the place that won my heart so many years ago. The Dia de los Muertos celebrations began and I started to feel a little rekindling of the light and as I played, I started to remember, I love that whole colorful, wonderful, aspect of living here. Then, last Sunday, there was this...
plumbing and faith framing orange hair and a pink tutu and put me over the top. Until...
this moment. Perfect! Made me realize that nothing is really this black or white, right? I'm back baby and more in love with my chosen home than ever. And on Tuesday, when we became a blue state? LOVE, LOVE that! I'm in for the long haul now. You will be sick of all my New Mexico love fest posts. Tomorrow? The Marigold Parade in all it's glory.
Love from the Land of Enchantment,
a sorta kinda native girl


Chris said...

Right ON. Great post. I love how you describe the transition, your wandering eye (love that paris daily photo don't you?), your disconnect, and then your reconnect. Death Comes For the Archbishop... I must read that again.

christina said...

This is a wonderful photo! You are a fan of the library too huh?! ; )

I look forward to your next post. New Mexico ; )

Fireblossom said...

I read The Milagro Beanfield War years and years ago. (I've never seen the movie, I don't believe) I remember the old man who had been at death's door so many times that no one even bothered to show up anymore and he was like 100 years old or someting lol.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with an annual pilgrimage to the Great Eastern Hardwood Forest, whose plumage was stellar this year, as I was lucky enough to see personally from the Smoky Mountains to Baltimore.

Between exotic pests - and [sorry] Big Coal (who happen to be Big Contributors to Obama) - we may not have it very much longer.