Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yippee Skippee Dance has started!!

What she said! http://rodrigvitzstyle.typepad.com/


Anonymous said...

We are DANCING with you...screaming with you!!! holding up our glasses of champagne to YOU!!!


Fireblossom said...

That dog doesn't look like ANYthing could excite him!

Nonetheless, it's a great time for man woman and dog kind!

A.Smith said...

Indeed! and many happy returns of the day to remind us all who we are, what we are and what we need to do to make this a better world for everyone, and I mean: everyone.

Laume said...

And may I add some polka moves, a square dance doe-si-doe, a few Irish dance steps, and maybe even a waltz or tango!!!!! Yippee indeed!