Friday, May 8, 2009

Honest, I have done other things

I know I've done other things. I cleaned the back yard, I remember going to the library and the grocery store.
I know I had lunch with friends.
I have been shopping. I saw a great French film (Paris 36 - really good, want the sound track!!)
I went for a job interview and I think I've done laundry, made meals, gone for walks and talked to friends.
But damn, the only things I took pictures of are things I've cut and sprayed.
I have great plans for finishing them in a variety of ways, but mostly,
I just cut and sprayed, cut and sprayed.

Last week I hated cutting stencils, this week, I can not get enough. I am a happy camper!


studioJudith said...

Glorious stencils, Miss Leau!!

I so envy your totally consuming creativity ... . I'm in a MAJOR block and nothing is happening.

Waiting for those juices to f l o w -


moongipsies said...

you are doing awesome things !!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Hmmm...m'thinks the fumes have gotten to you! Cutting stencils is not a fun thing, but boy oh boy! You have cut some good ones!!
Hey, check out the word scramble for this one:


Melissa S. said...

Oh my goodness! Your Lone Ranger...your lady in black w/red background....all of these! Wonderful stencil cuts Leau. I am going to go order more EZ cut right now!