You didn't read it?
Well, go now...... I'll wait.....
...... ....... ....... ....... ........ (finger drumming)
Wanna know what that was all about?
Go here!
Or here!
Or even here!
And you'll need to know about this's the RailRunner station in Santa Fe. You can get on the train at the airport in the Duke City and off in the City Different. Hope to see you there!! And just because I love those exclamation points!!!!!! I'm excited, can ya tell?
Oh yeah sweetheart!!!! I'm all over this. I have begun to save my pennies and I will SO be there!!!! Yay! So now that I have lost your addy twice, can you send it to me again?? Please with sugar on top. I can't wait to meet you!!! I will be the one hugging you, shouting - i love ya to bits Leau!! lol
And we're excited too! That rail service is a wonderful thing; I used to have to depend on the shuttle service to Santa Fe. The rail is linked in the website's side bar, but I'll add this one as well. Thanks, Leau! xoxox
I can only hope but I certainly will that things are back to normal so I can join you all for a rousing game of having fun!
Oh how I would love to be there, and who knows? maybe the health fairies would throw some dust my direction? :) hugs from here.
I don't know how I have missed this??? I WONDER if I can possibly make it back down just 1 week after I am doing my Ghost Ranch retreat??
I can't believe you all will be in Santa Fe at NEARLY the same time...
I'm feeling some serendipity here...
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