"After all these years, I am still involved in the process of self-discovery. It's better to explore life and make mistakes than to play it safe. Mistakes are part of the dues ones pays for a full life." Sophia Loren
Grace in small things:
1. Clear crisp days that warm up.
2. Excellent vanilla soy lattes
3. Fantastic Mr. Fox... of course George Clooney could read a phone book and I would be happy
4. The anticipation of a new class and assembling tools!
5. Sand Hill cranes, the way they sound, they way they look flying, the peace they bring to me
Leau, what a treasure and great portent sign to see and hear the Sand Hill Cranes...I have never seen any!
This image is magical...
Magical image ... .
may you have fewer moments of
lamenting poor decisions
more serenades from Cranes!
How about remembering that you are loved here? Entering the dark side of the Moon, so I wanted to remind you of that before I fade for a while. Love you sweetpea, take good care of yourelf.
loved that you got to see the Sandhill cranes....
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