Friday, March 20, 2009

Putting Blue Together

This shoulda been yesterday's post...check back for another one later.
Bus stop art


studioJudith said...

Leau dear -
Your photos are a delightful
mosaic-of-a-mosaic, as well as a testament to finding beauty everywhere. Bus Stop Beauty Rules!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

My mother had this thing for anything that was blue glass. She's passed that affection on to my sister and myself.
I love this celebration of images that we pass by each day (hard to imagine how many people pass this beautiful glass mural by without stopping to look).

Anonymous said...

..and speaking of mosaics (we were, weren't we?)


Now I'm RE-inspired.
Come on up and we'll get Grouty!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm the blues....

magpie said...

bus stop art you say? ahh, new mexico. who could be blue for long with that infinitely mutable sky...