Yesterday, on a very cold, gloomy morning the bus station was jam packed with folks trying to stay out of the cold at 7 in the morning so I choose to wait outside. Another person who chose to wait in the cold was a man in a wheelchair that I ride with often. He is always polite, always helpful, a genuine pleasure to be around and homeless. And there was a woman who complained incessantly...incessantly. He tried to redirect each and every complaint. The driver arrived and was going to let us get in out of the cold. She announced that she had no bus pass and intended to ride. The driver just looked at her. The man spoke to her quietly and she asked if she could ride to the homeless shelter..please. The driver let her on. As we waited for the time of departure, she continued her rant and the man who could have complained about everything, continued to try to redirect her. She began to bitterly complain about the cold...incessantly. And suddenly, a bus moved and the sun shone in...so brightly it filled the bus with light. It felt a little miraculous, okay... a lot miraculous. She began to shriek because it was in her eyes...shriek. My fellow passenger gently said to her..."you would curse the cure for your bitter complaint because it surprised you?" Lesson learned...
Be an explorer...read, surf the internet, visit customers, enjoy arts,watch children play...do anything to prevent yourself from becoming a prisoner of your knowledge, experrience and current view of the world." Charles Thompson
Grace in small things:
1. I don't have to carry everything I own with me.
2. I am warm 90% of the time.
3. When I am cold, I can get warm.
4. I have the opportunity to learn, explore, grow and change based on what I find out.
5. The sun does shine about 360 days of the year in New Mexico.
Beautiful story Leau...
we should be so grateful, for so many things...
I am always amazed by the gentle heart and courage so many people have that have every right not to be so heartful.
soooo very wonderful
It takes one gentle soul to understand the language and the meaning. Need I say more?
i felt your words, all the way down in my soul.
i am going to take a bit of that sunshine with me, if you don't mind, my friend.
love ya!
she's very angry.
This image is so great.
What a beautiful and instructive story, on so many levels.
Things alright? thinking of you and missing your sunshine today. Sending you love as always with a pinch of pepper.
Hey Leau! I read your blog today and just wanted to say I LOVE IT!!!!!! I'll be checking this regularily - so fun, so wise, so interesting, just fantastic! Kim
I am always so amazed how you post photos of places I drive by all the time but you have a way of presenting images that causes me to look again and again. Fresh and original. Just like you.
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