When I start to blog more than a year ago, I thought I would keep it light, no navel contemplation, no political statements, only skim the surface, be funny and of course art and only art all of the time. That lasted about a day. I am not a compartmentalized kinda girl. Ya get it all... nothing if not transparent, that's me. Who knew I would (could?) keep it up this long? It's like spitting in the wind, where does it go? Who reads it? Will it have an impact? Do I want it to? What I discovered was that it did matter to someone, to me. It has an impact...on me. It's cheaper than therapy and more available in the middle of the night and then...then this great connection began to happen and grow and strengthen. I was in the midst of a swirl of energy that I loved and I started to learn and to listen to what others were saying and doing and how they took that picture or made that mark on a page or who else they were learning from. I began stretch and grow braver. It is important to me and important enough to mark the occasion. Thank you all for your support, laughing at my weird sense of humor and personal observations, coming back when I didn't post for days on end and making my day many, many times over. And for putting up with too many !!!!! and ... that I am so fond of.
I had so much fun yesterday giving, I thought I would continue the trend to celebrate with you. I've not done a give away before and I need to crowd in as many new things in before the new year.
Just leave a comment and I will figure out some whiz bang way to draw a name on the 1st day of the new year and a string of my wind horses will fly to you! Don't want it to be a long process...hello instant gratification girl here!
And because I am instant-gratification girl - my super powers include a nano second of patience, using my hyper persuasive chatter to cause people to cave and let me have what I want, and I'm cute - I will leave you with a prezzie I found on Rice's blog:
Go...watch...you'll enjoy it, I promise!!!!! Big smooches
Goodness girlfriend, that's a huge accomplishment! Gracias for your most thoughtful mention in the previous post... . I'm clearly still trying to find a direction for what I'm doing here ( online and on this planet) so I'll heed your words and let it evolve.
hugs - JJjjj
Oh...much happier now that I can pull your blog up again. Did you know that Safari has spellcheck? That'll keep my thoughts from getting ahead of my fingers!
OK, so I SEE the wind horses, but did I miss the explanation of what they were or meant?
I, for one, am very happy that you finally started blogging. And your observations on the transformations that occurred as a result is so very, very true.
Another sister from the Eat Dessert First Society, blessed be! I knew we have more things in common than what we appear to have. Darling, I agree with you about blogging as well. In my case it was because I was neglecting everyone and since I hate the phone and seldom have time to write individually it was suggested (as in: or else) from the peeps that one way to keep up with me and I with them was to blog.
So, blog we do. In your case congratulations are in order, and many happy returns of the pleasure you give to others in this little salon of the ether.
I've missed seeing you at the ATC trade....I've only been once in probably the last six months. It's fun to still be able to keep with you via your blog:) Congrats on the 100th post!
Look what you have brought to all of us! 100 posts and counting!
The video is great...perfect for resolution thinking...
so happy to count you as a friend here!
Happy HAPPY New Year!
Yay 100 post. Honey, now that I found you, life is sweeter. ; )
Happy New Year, to you and your family.
oops! I'm too late for the drawing, but I will say that I'm so glad you stayed with the blogging! It always surprises, doesn't it? You can make of it what you will. It's got to be for you! And if others enjoy, then it's an even richer endeavor!
I look forward to another 100 posts, fabulous Leau!
Leau, I love your blog and read it all the time! The insite you provide gives me energy to try to be an artist. Thanks for Ft. Collins and happy new year!
I got my WInd Horses in the mail today! Yippee! I love them!
Funny, I've always loved the concept behind prayer flags and this has motivated me to perhaps act on the prayer flag concept I've had in my head for 6 years now. It has to do with creating a prayer flag for each day of Lent-40 total I believe. Each flag has it's own reflection and intent. I want to string it up in my back yard on Ash Wednesday and take it down at the end of the Easter Season.
HI Leau - I"d love to put my name in for the windhorse drawing. Love you blog - happy 100th! Fran
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