Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Winter Blues and St Patrick's styling

This is a window in the library at the College of Ed. One of my favorite things about working on campus is the number of small children that are always around. I was surprised by the sound of children's voices when I first started there. Today was field trip day. On the way to the bookstore to buy shiny red folders, I passed at least 3 groups. My favorite was a preschool group dressed entirely in greens. Bright, neon green tee shirts that said if lost call.... But each child had their very own take on accessories. One had on green rain boots that were frog faces with googly eyes. Another one had on a twirly green skirt that she couldn't resist twirling in to the consternation of the grownup in charge of her. The others were all decked out in various shades but one of my all time favorites was the very small boy with a GIANT green clown wig that would have been huge on any one of us. He could hardly stand up straight but resisted every effort to make him take it off. It was fascinating to watch the grownups try to talk him out of it. But best of all was the very small girl who had on tights - green of course, and the tee shirt. Nothing else. I wonder if her mama saw her before she left the house. Of course the whole outfit was not complete without the green glitter derby that came down to her eye brows and did I mention that she had very long blond hair under that hat? So with her long blond hair, the hat down to her eyes and the green limbs, she kinda reminded me of Cousin Itt meets the Green Lantern..am I showing my age?
More Winter Blues here

Grace in small things
1. The kindness of neighbors
2. A bit of sunburn on my neck
3. The sound of the hawks in the park
4. Potlucks!
5. Being able to open a window in my office


ina said...

thank you for stopping by,looking around, and leaving comments!

very nice to **meet** you.

happy spring.

paris parfait said...

You certainly saw an interesting sampling of St. Paddy's Day celebrators - even when they didn't understand its significance. :) A window in one's office is a very good thing, as Martha would say. xoxox

moongipsies said...

isn't it interesting how great kids will dress when left to their on devices ?!