When you're willing to go out to lunch with old friends with spray paint on your hands...

When the people at the hardware store call you the spray paint queen...

When the landlord leaves notes on the cans of spray paint that say Don't tag the back wall...

When your comment to another blogger is that this image looks like a good mask when it was really great bird image...

When everywhere you look you see something new to cut into a stencil...

It may be time...or not!!
Good thing those hardware store folks know you're an artist otherwise they might be worried about you and all that spray paint.
I love your new art. How fun.
VERRRY funny, miss leau!
you're having WAY too much fun -- - I may need to beg you to pack up those stencils & spray cans & board the train to SFe for an afternoon tutorial.
I think it's fantastic !
Keep it up.
Don't you dare! Spray away my pretty, nothing except the sound of the ocean can lift the clouds from one's mind like a zzzzzzzzz
of a can of paint.
Did I say that? my name is Allegra and I am a can paint addict...too.
Hmmm..should I hook you up with my spray art friends??? : )
oh, WOW!
you make me smile!!!
You're really producing, baby! I love what you're getting done. I've been a very bad pupil! I'm going to Flickr and catch up. Don't you love stenciling so much?! I have a whole new section in my studio now.
intervention... hmmm.
I think it would turn into a Convention!!
I walked in to Wal-Mart the other night and found several of those shorty cans of spray paint on clearance. $1 each. Like Christmas, yes it was !!!!
I never did find that Lone Ranger stencil........it must be buried deep......
not, definitely NOT, keep it up!! Looks fabulous!!
You are hilarious! And I think these stencils are fantastic! xoxox
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